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Thanks to the word |
And run the risk that maybe
This is the time it won't hurt.
With the door closed or open I
Can still hear the laughter,
Catch the voice
I'd give anything to hear
In my ear--
Whetstones, whether to cut
Rope or flesh the knife and I
Cannot decide.
And I close my eyes like a melodramatist
Hoping someone pulls the curtain
And bang my head against the wall.
It will not go away.
And he will not leave unless
I want him to stay.
Sonnet: shake spear is the most well known for this type of poem. POem that have 14 lines and express thought or feeling.

I stroll along a fragrant country lane With honeysuckle perfume on the air – And feathered crooner’s warble to revere – Then cross a golden sea of flowing grain In empathy – it seems to sense my pain Of knowing all was done with my affair – Her empty meaning now the solitaire She cast away – betrothment all in vain. But oceans team with many fish to catch So I must up and hoist another sail And seek the one that really waits for me, For soon auspicious breezes will prevail In guiding forth to find a truer match: The one to take my hand as wife to be. Sign: it very important for you to know about all style of poem. So you can define and know what kind of poem is that when you read a poem. As you can do that you must know the different between them. |